We have qualified for ESEA MDL Relegation

author image by | 0 Comments | 19 Aug 2018

BPro Gaming have come out victorious from ESEA Advanced Season 28 Europe, following a 2-0 victory over team Unknown in 5th place decider match for the last spot in MDL Relegation. (Cache 16-11, Nuke 16-13).

The ESEA 5th place decider match kicked off on BPro map pick, Cache. After loosing the first pistol as Terrorist’s, BPro responded with three successful rounds bringing the score 3:1. However, both teams exchanged rounds which eventually led to a result 9:6 for BPro. The second part was no different, a second lost pistol round lead to a 9:9 score.  However, the boys managed to win the next six rounds which was enough to win the map 16:11.

Next up was Nuke, team Unknown‘s map pick, which began with the Denmarks bagging a 2-0 score as Terrorists.  In the first gun round, BPro managed to kill everyone, which led to a 3:2 turnaround in their favor. Unknown managed to get a few more rounds before BPro closed the half with a score of 8:7. The first won pistol round for BPro in the match was more than enough to allow the team to keep a difference in the rounds until the end of the match. BPro went on to reach match point, where they eventually went on to secure the 16-13 victory and the 2-0 series to book their spot in the ESEA MDL Relegation.

Both maps were very difficult, but we managed to win the game and to qualify for ESEA MDL Relegation.


Tsvetan ‘RIjK0’ Petrov
Hristiyan ‘REDSTAR’ Pironkov
Valentin ‘poizon’ Vasilev
Krasen ‘Zix’ Minchev
Kostadin ‘rafftu’ Turbinov