Welcome BPro Discord

author image by | 0 Comments | 11 Apr 2020

We are creating a Discord server – link: https://discord.gg/fVkJ83H
for Towards Data Science to better connect our community. By joining, you will be able to discuss interesting topics about esport!

Our organization will continue to support TeamSpeak3 (ip:ts3.bprogaming.org) as a core communications program for professionals and game lovers of the highest quality and security, but we still think it’s long time to create Discord!

For over 5 years, thousands of users have been using our service for free, and today we reach 300 people online simultaneously every night!

If you are interested in helping us make this project successful by becoming a moderator, please let us know on our #lobby-welcome channel.

10x gl&hf

Join our new Channel @ Discord: