The Squared eSports team

author image by | 0 Comments | 21 Jun 2017

The first gaming even in Plovdiv e-Arena, organized by Game Evolution, did not lack international participation.

The Squared eSports team consisted of:

  • Marko ‘shev‘ Krajčeski
  • Jordan ‘JORDAN‘ Tašković
  • Petar ‘HOLMES‘ Dimitrijević
  • David ‘Dav‘ Miljanić
  • Mladen ‘juricM‘ Jurić

In their first match after three very long games with a certain amount of luck the Bulgarian team Bojestvata managed to win the match with 2:1 maps.

17:19 (6:9; 9:6) (2:4)

22:20 (11:4; 4:11) (7:5)

13:16 (8:7; 5:9)

The Serbian boys showed high level of professionalism and dedication towards the electronic sports. We are happy that professional teams are developed not only in Bulgaria but also in its neighbouring countries,  which helps in increasing the level of preparation. Regardless of the loss in the first day of the competition, Squared managed to maintain their spirit and determination to win and achieved third place in the competition by winning over Arcade with 2:0 maps. We believe that Squared has a bright future ahead if they keep the current members of their team. We have never had the opportunity to observe such a peaceful and organized Serbian team. On the other hand, juricM has all the qualities needed to become a strong competition. We wish good luck to our  Serbian friends and we are looking forward to welcoming them again at our events.