Play Hub – Gaming clubs

author image by | 0 Comments | 08 Jun 2017

Play Hub: Next Level is the future of entertainment!

Located in the Bulgarian capitol Sofia the newly opened gaming club offers access to:

20 high-end computers with the following specs:

  • Intel Core i7-6700;

  • GPU: NVidia GeForce GTX 970 Hybrid;

  • RAM: Fury Hyper X 16 GB.

The Set is completed by a 144Hz 23 inch screen, a HAMA u-Rage gaming mouse and a great mechanical keyboard.

Each computer has a gaming chair, which makes you feel like a pro gamer on stage at all times!

In addition to the computers the club offers 3 PS4 consoles, and another 2, which are wired to racing simulator seats. You can take your racing experience to the next level by using the 2 available PS4 VR sets, compatible with Driveclub and also supporting multiplayer.

The club offers HTC Vive VR set, which comes with a loaded steam library of AAA VR titles, such as Serious Sam VR and Raw Data.

If you ever get hungry or thirsty – the bar offers a decent choice in snacks, sandwiches, soft drinks and alcoholic beverages.

The place makes for an excellent LAN gaming experience with friends, from a casual game of FIFA 17, to a competitive CS:GO or another major e-sports title!

Cherni Vrah blvd. 47, Floor 3 ½

SIVEN Business building

You can learn more about Play Hub: Next Level on their official Facebook page: