Niki1 and Psycho back to Bpro

author image by | 0 Comments | 02 Feb 2017

As most of you already know Team MK disbanded recently. We had talks with Niki1 and Psycho who suddenly became available. Our CS:GO roster went through a hard month with many ups and downs. We tried to put together a new team from scratch with only 2 of the original players on the roster. It was a very difficult time for all of us and even more for NK4Y and Xek. We started the CEVO playoffs with good record but failed to reach the finals after Niki1 and Psycho`s departure. We had to resort to playing with standins for the remainder of the tournament. Some of the players we tried for the new roster couldn`t invest the hours we needed to get the team going. This made everything even harder. We decided that it is best to put together the old roster and keep Shpz as a 5th player. He showed very promising play as a stand-in for us few months ago and also recently in January. We are happy to have Psycho and Niki1 back in the team.

Our current roster is:

  • Nikolay “Niki1” Pantaleev
  • Teodor “Psycho” Dimov
  • Nikola “NK4Y” Radushev
  • Valentin “Xek” Dinev
  • Georgi ‘Shpz’ Grigorov