BPro Gaming Announces WoT Team

author image by | 0 Comments | 23 Oct 2016

Bpro Gaming Announces: “WoT” Team

BPro Gaming has been looking to recruit a World Of Tanks team since our launch and today we are very happy to announce we found the right team to represent us.

We are thrilled to be setting new goals for 2017 with our World Of Tanks team.

The team consists of very experienced and talented individuals, who have been training and competing together on a tight schedule.

Before we go in detail about the players, lets wish them Good Luck and may the RNG gods be with you tankers!

The names and roles of the players of BPro eSports WoT are:

Main Roster

  1. Peter Žibert – “__Simple__BPro” slovenia
    – Brаwler, Clipper, Shooter, Captain, Tactician
  2. Vasko Georgiev Krastev – “UNDER_OATHS” bulgaria
    – Clipper, Scout, Co-Captain, Tactician
  3. Ahti Tamm – “SenpaiErik” estonia
    – Shooter, Clipper
  4. Antoine Chapelet – “Qomewaon” france
    – Shooter, Clipper, Scout, Tactician
  5. Boris Rumenov Deyanov – “NaGaRRa” bulgaria
    – Brawler, Sniper, Shooter
  6. Edouard Finet – “thestraightfrenchguy” france
    – Shooter, Clipper
  7. Fraser Allan Robert Dickie – “_Crusad3r_” scotland
    – Brawler, Shooter


  1. Jonny Olsson – “Mr_xcon” sweden
  2. Andrew Lawrie – “nattalex” uk
  3. Tarmo Trumm – “peedu” estonia
  4. Erick Seidel – “AllTheChildren” germany

Follow BPro eSports WoT on Facebook

For more info about the team and their previous achievements you can visit :

BPro eSports WoT ESL Team page or Faceit Team page, or click the pictures below.



Here’s a video of a recent win against Go Hard:

Lastly thanks to all of you supporters and fans.

Stay tuned and share the excitement with BPro eSports WoT.

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